1 | codePrintHTML | string | 41: <cfset ModPhotoAwardArticles = ArticlesQuery.list() /><br>
42: <cfset ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel = EntityLoad('ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel',{label='#url.type#'})/><br>
<b>43: <cfset ModPhotoAwardCategory = ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel[1].getCategory()></b><br>
44: <br>
45: <br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 41: <cfset ModPhotoAwardArticles = ArticlesQuery.list() />
42: <cfset ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel = EntityLoad('ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel',{label='#url.type#'})/>
43: <cfset ModPhotoAwardCategory = ModPhotoAwardCategoryLabel[1].getCategory()>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | modules.mod_photoaward.plugins.standard.view_contest_cfm225$cf.call(D:\www\www121\modules\mod_photoaward\plugins\standard\view-contest.cfm:43) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\modules\mod_photoaward\plugins\standard\view-contest.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
2 | codePrintHTML | string | 83: <br>
84: <div class="plugin_press-standard clearfix<cfif len(PluginConf.viewClass)> #PluginConf.viewClass#</cfif>" id="plugin_press-artciles_#Content.getContentId()#"><br>
<b>85: <cfinclude template="view-contest.cfm" /></b><br>
86: </div><br>
87: <br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 83:
84: <div class="plugin_press-standard clearfix<cfif len(PluginConf.viewClass)> #PluginConf.viewClass#</cfif>" id="plugin_press-artciles_#Content.getContentId()#">
85: <cfinclude template="view-contest.cfm" />
86: </div>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | modules.mod_photoaward.plugins.standard.plugin_cfm$cf.call(D:\www\www121\modules\mod_photoaward\plugins\standard\plugin.cfm:85) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\modules\mod_photoaward\plugins\standard\plugin.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
3 | codePrintHTML | string | 98: </div><br>
99: <cfelse><br>
<b>100: <cfinclude template="/application/modules/mod_#lcase(Plugin.getCategory())#/plugins/#Plugin.getFolder()#/plugin.cfm"></b><br>
101: </cfif><br>
102: </cfif><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 98: </div>
99: <cfelse>
100: <cfinclude template="/application/modules/mod_#lcase(Plugin.getCategory())#/plugins/#Plugin.getFolder()#/plugin.cfm">
101: </cfif>
102: </cfif>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | modules.mod_cms.pluginrender_cfm$cf.call(D:\www\www121\modules\mod_cms\pluginrender.cfm:100) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\modules\mod_cms\pluginrender.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
4 | codePrintHTML | string | 54: <cfset pluginrender_con_Id = JavaCast('int',getContentInfos.con_Id)/><br>
55: <cfset plugindepth = 0 /><br>
<b>56: <cfinclude template="/application/modules/mod_cms/pluginrender.cfm"></b><br>
57: </cfoutput><br>
58: <cfif isDefined("SESSION.auth.isLoggedIn") AND isDefined("SESSION.fronteditph") AND SESSION.fronteditph EQ true AND placeholder.frontedit EQ true AND structKeyExists(placeholder, "title")><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 54: <cfset pluginrender_con_Id = JavaCast('int',getContentInfos.con_Id)/>
55: <cfset plugindepth = 0 />
56: <cfinclude template="/application/modules/mod_cms/pluginrender.cfm">
57: </cfoutput>
58: <cfif isDefined("SESSION.auth.isLoggedIn") AND isDefined("SESSION.fronteditph") AND SESSION.fronteditph EQ true AND placeholder.frontedit EQ true AND structKeyExists(placeholder, "title")>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | placeholder_cfm$cf.call(D:\www\www121\modules\mod_cms\systemtags\placeholder.cfm:56) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\modules\mod_cms\systemtags\placeholder.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
5 | codePrintHTML | string | 177: <cfsavecontent variable="section1Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="header"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section1Html = trim(section1Html) /><br>
178: <cfsavecontent variable="section2Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection2"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section2Html = trim(section2Html) /><br>
<b>179: <cfsavecontent variable="section3Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="main"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section3Html = trim(section3Html) /></b><br>
180: <cfsavecontent variable="section4aHtml"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection4a"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section4aHtml = trim(section4aHtml) /><br>
181: <cfsavecontent variable="section4bHtml"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection4b"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section4bHtml = trim(section4bHtml) /><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 177: <cfsavecontent variable="section1Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="header"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section1Html = trim(section1Html) />
178: <cfsavecontent variable="section2Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection2"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section2Html = trim(section2Html) />
179: <cfsavecontent variable="section3Html"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="main"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section3Html = trim(section3Html) />
180: <cfsavecontent variable="section4aHtml"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection4a"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section4aHtml = trim(section4aHtml) />
181: <cfsavecontent variable="section4bHtml"><cfmodule name="placeholder" placeholder="phsection4b"/></cfsavecontent><cfset section4bHtml = trim(section4bHtml) />
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | templates.main_cfm$cf.call(D:\www\www121\templates\main.cfm:179) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\templates\main.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
6 | codePrintHTML | string | 26: <br>
27: <!--- load template as module ---><br>
<b>28: <cfmodule template="/templates/#Request['pageinfo'].pge_template#"></b><br>
29: </cfif><br>
30: </cfprocessingdirective><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 26:
27: <!--- load template as module --->
28: <cfmodule template="/templates/#Request['pageinfo'].pge_template#">
29: </cfif>
30: </cfprocessingdirective>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | index_cfm$cf.call(D:\www\www121\index.cfm:28) | |
| | template | string | D:\www\www121\index.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |